Well its just snowed here in Missouri over this wonderful President's Day weekend, and I thought why not do another warm DIY. I remembered that I had seen these knitted bow ear warmers at a craft fair in the fall but I have no idea how to knit so I decided to try it with a sweater. This was the thrift store sweater I had left over from my boot cuffs DIY.
Sweater or warm/stretchy fabric
Sewing Pins
Cutting board or hard surface to cut on
Measuring Tape
Sewing Machine
1. The first thing you are going to want to do is to measure around your head. My head was 22 inches. Lay out the fabric or sweater you will be using.
2. Next, you are going to cut out a rectangle. I made the length of my rectangle 20 inches because the fabric of the sweater was really stretchy. The width is up to you. I made mine about 4 inches wide to cover my ears plus a little more. Note: I cut on the fold of the sweater so I divided my length in half.
Here's what the rectangle looked like unfolded:
3. Pin the right sides together and sew leaving the ends open.
4. Now time for the bow. I cut a two smaller rectangles out of the sweater, both about 4x7. I also cut a strip of fabric that is going to be the middle of the bow. Hemming the strip is optional, it is totally up to you and what kind of fabric you are using. I didn't hem the strip because I didn't want the bulkiness but I did apply Fray Check along the edges to prevent it from fraying.
5. Take the two rectangles and pin them together, leaving an opening in the middle top. Sew. Note: The opening is at the middle top so that we can flip the bow right sides out and then cover the opening with the strip that goes in the middle of the bow.
6. Take the ear warmer and stuff one open end into the other about 1/2 inch. Pin and sew.
Here are the ear warmer and bow ready to be connected:
7. Place the bow on top of the ear warmer, covering the seam. slightly scrunch them together with your fingers. Take the strip of fabric and wrap it around the bow and ear warmer once. Pin in the back and sew, then cut the extra length of the strip.
Hope everyone enjoyed this DIY and are having a wonderful winter. Stay warm!