Tuesday, April 28

Prom Dress Hem & Bustle

Prom season is here! My friend bought a dress online and when it got in, she discovered that it was way too long for her 5'3" frame.  I decided to help her shorten the dress and create a bustle so she would not trip over the train at the dance.

This is the dress before, as you can see it is really long:

The first thing I did was try the dress on my friend with her heels on and measure how much needed to be cut off. This particular dress had a train and was not even around the bottom of the dress. Since my friend could not be with me during the time I was altering this, I decided it would be easier to just cut the same amount of fabric off all the way around the dress. 

After I took the dress home and put it on my mannequin, I marked 5 inches around the whole skirt with fabric chalk.  On the lining, I marked 6 inches to cut off so it would be shorter then the top layer of the skirt. Cut off the extra fabric and hem the skirt.

I decided it would be best to bustle the train so she wouldn't trip over it during the actual dance so I needed to connect the lining and top layer so they would both bustle together. I found the same color embroidery floss and loosely connected the lining and skirt.

To make the bustle, I sewed an eye to the dress right under the midriff and beside the zipper so it would be mostly centered. The hook, I sewed to the middle seam of the train on the underneath.

Here's the completed bustle:

I hope you enjoyed this post and are having a wonderful day!

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